And it didn’t….really. It was relaxing and peaceful. It
actually helped settled X-Man down. And he had a fantastic day. It cumulated with
him hugging me and yelling “I LUFF MY BIRFDAY!!!!” after opening all his gifts.
The father figure took the children shopping for my birthday
gifts. It was fun because they each picked things out for me that I loved and I
see them in. Apparently as they unloaded their wares before the checker, she
asked “Is your mom having a birthday?” So clearly they did quite well.
X-Man too got fun toys. One of his gifts was Candy Land; it
was a mild disappointment when he discovered it wasn’t actually a box full of
candy. But he recovered. He and Cinco have been playing well with each other. But I did cringe when I heard X-Man bellow “Give
me my color people!!!!” Referring of
course to the tradition Candy Land playing pieces.
It’s a new year so I decided to start working out with the
kids. Baby and Baba are serious athletes and need to incorporate some speed and
agility training into their routines. So I decided to participate in their new
drills. So there were Mac, Baba, Baby and me running up a hill, forward and
backwards. Duck walking up a hill, lips not required, bear crawling and frog
jumping. Well, I didn’t frog jump. I’ve had five kids. It was not going to
X-Man rolled down the hill repeatedly. Cinco simply sat at
the top and every time I jogged up would “Can I watch My Little Pony on your
phone?” Mac kept talking, until I pointed out that if you can talk you aren’t
working hard enough,
Meanwhile, my legs were shaking. Like fall down shaking. I
get that I haven’t been the best about
working out this summer, although I walk
three to four miles during soccer practices, but this seemed absurd. Also,
impossible to hide from Baba and Baby, who were sweating but not quivering. I
felt just a wee bit judged. Also, I am pretty sure Baba was contemplating how
she would drag me to the car, while keeping X-Man and Cinco in check. She’s a quiet thing but I think she’s been
around long enough to know that she should have an emergency plan in place…..always.
My philosophy on running is that I only run when chased.