I have no one to blame but myself. I’m the one who said he
could push the shopping cart.

The thing about Cold Stone Creamery is that they allow mix
ins, candies mixed with the ice cream to make a delightful treat. And no matter
what, all small people will ask for the bright blue cotton candy ice cream. And
mix in something utterly hideous like m&ms. Not that the chocolate candy is
hideous….but chocolate and cotton candy? Ugh.
Happily, both Cinco and X-Man bucked the trend, X-Man
requesting chocolate ice cream and Cinco asking for….pink. Of course. Both had
gummy bears mixed with their ice cream. And of course, both had to dig the
gummy bears out of the ice cream they just been mixed in to. I was ok with that;
it’s all part of the experience. I drew the line, however, at being introduced
to each individual gummy bear…..followed by the consumption of the bear. X-Man
added in some screams and “help me help me” while Cinco tried extra commentary
but was unable to, due to cracking herself up too much.
We then headed to shop for curtain rods. The babies, as they
are still referred to by their elder siblings, like to play in the elder girls’
closet. They tend to knock the closet doors off their runners, much to the
annoyance of their sisters. So we were off to experiment with a curtain instead
of doors.
We went shopping for curtain rods, so of course we ended up
in the shoe section. But not before X-Man asked to push the shopping cart. He
selected a half cart, and could actually see over the handle, so I acquiesced.
X-Man has worked hard to mature and follow directions and I want to reward his
efforts. Of course Cinco saw that X-man was pushing his own cart. I braced for
the meltdown and demands that she too get her own cart, height requirements
But no, Cinco had other plans. She wanted X-Man to push her
in his cart. And X-Man willingly obliged. So we cautious proceeded on. X-man
stayed near me and I began to relax a bit. Over the last few months, X-Man has
been maturing and his behavior is becoming more age appropriate daily. As his
ability to communicate has improved and his understanding of himself in space
has strengthened, he’s able to truly be himself. And himself is delightful. But
also….a four year old boy. A younger brother, with all the mischief that
As we browsed the shoes,
Baba and Baby were helpful. Down to business and no nonsense, they
quickly made their selections. Baba showed the savvy of teenager by pointing
out that a pair of sandals that I was hemming and hawing about would fit her as
well, and since she had outfits they’d go well with, I should but them and we
could share them. Her arguments carried the day.
Meanwhile, X-Man and Cinco were chattering away. He was
staying close by, not running amuck, so he lacked my full attention. It wasn’t
until, arms full of shoes, I turned to the cart that I realized how he and
Cinco were passing the time. The half sized cart was filled with shoes. From
what I saw, things were going somewhat like this:
Cinco “I like dose shoes.”
X-Man “Dese? Otay.” Thump in the cart.
Cinco “and dose. I want does too.”
X-Man “Otay!”
Neither child was interested in returning the six pairs of
shoes they had already selected but grudgingly allowed those who would wear the
shoes to actually select their own. Mac still needed to be shod, so we headed
to the children’s section. On our way, we passed a shelf filled with trinkets
adorned with the ever present Frozen characters. Cinco observed “I like that
Elsa necklace” X-Man, wised up to the situation, said nothing but just handed
it to her. Cinco realized that this was a perfectly acceptable situation. She
pointed to a set of Frozen socks, as into the cart they went. As I tried to
quickly and painlessly find Mac a single part of non-ridiculous shoes in his
size, X-Man found Cinco three pairs of Frozen crocs, in varying sizes, two
necklaces and a set of socks. He also determined that Mac wanted another set of
“cool” socks and threw them into the cart.
I gave up on my shoe hunt when I
heard Cinco begin to sweet talk X-Man into heading over to the toy section.
“I want to look at the toys please big brother…..” Do people actually fall for that?
As I was subtly
returning all Frozen merchandise, Baby announced she needed to use the
restroom. I took a head count of those who needed to use the facilities and
sent the older girls off while I finished deFrozening the cart. Three seconds
after her sisters left, Cinco announced “I haft ta go potty.” I informed her
that we would head over in just a few seconds. That was not acceptable for
X-Man. He took off running with the cart. I yelled for him to stop and he
shouted over his shoulder “It’s otay. Cinco hassa go potty. I be right back.”
Cinco helpfully added “Don’t worry mom!”
I’ve paid good money to help make him more independent and verbal. I’ve gotten my money’s worth…..so yay….I
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