I think I'll just start saying "She's my first......THIS YEAR!" That might stall some of the shock and horror.
I get big families are unusual. But I am working really hard not to appear as a circus side show and I would really appreciate the rest of the world just working with me in this area. They are all actually humans, I just have three more than you do. That's all. None of them have extra appendages or superpowers. Yes some of them do have red hair, thank you for pointing that out.
Yes, Gestated Cinco is still a little one. And she just happened to be sleeping when you exclaimed "Five kids! Why would you do that to yourself?" But guess what, babies three and four weren't sleeping you multipariousphobe. I just made that word up, but it fits.
And that's all I have to say about that. I think I need another vacation. I'm alarmingly cranky already.
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