"But X-Man, you already have a baby sister."
"YEAH. ME!" Cinco is not amused.
"No, She's not cute. I want a baby sister. Babies are so cute."
"NO!" Cinco feels strongly on the issue. "I AM CUTE! DADDY SAYS!"
"Cinco is not a baby she's a girl. Maybe that bird can bring me a baby sister." Yeah keeping trying kid.
"X-Man, Cinco isn't a baby anymore, you're right. But she will always be your little sister, your baby sister. You don't need another one."
"I want a baby sister!"
"NO! THERE ARE LOTS OF KIDS IN THIS FAMILY AND I AM THE LAST!" Cinco is now kicking her legs rather hysterically. Baby and Baba are both doubled over in their seats in the car. Somehow Cinco's reaction is both ridiculous and totally predictable.
"No. I want a cute baby sister, who is so tiny and cute. And I can hold her." Ah, we're on to something. X-Man's visiting baby cousin is now officially toddling about, and completely uninterested in being held by X-Man.
Meanwhile, Cinco is bordering on hysterical rage. "NO! I AM THE BABY! Daddy wants it that way!" That's probably news to the father figure who was mentioned he would mind another baby or two. Maybe he and X-Man can work something out with Santa. I'm ok not being involved in this go around.
"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" Cinco is tantruming as completely as her booster seat will allow.
"YES!" At this point it's clear, X-Man is as interested in poking the beast as he is in actually getting the super cute baby sister.

"Well guys, babies are very special....."
"Yeah like me!"
"Cinco, please don't interrupt Mommy when I'm talking. Babies are special, and they come to families when God wants them to. And that's why your baby sister Cinco is so special, and that's why you are so special. You came to us when it was the right time for you guys. When you were the right thing for our family. Ok?"
"Yes X-Man?"
"I want Santa to bring me a ukulele for Christmas."
I'm not sure that's an improvement.
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