Last week, Baba was clearly conspiring with X-Man. There was
whispering and giggling and shenanigans. Sure enough, as I was herding the crew
out the door and into the car for yet another go around of soccer and Costco.
X-Man bolted to the end of the driveway and stopped. He stuck his thumb out and
started hitchhiking.
Again X-Man introduced a first into my life. Again, I spend
a lot of energy not thinking about why my four year old decided that jumping a
car with a stranger beat riding in a car with me.
Baba collapsed with laughter. She admitted that she had been
coaching X-Man on hitchhiking. Perhaps to encourage X-Man to go find those
gypsies that his sister dreamed of living with.
But the whole plan began to backfire on X-Man. The random
car that occasionally drives down our street managed to pass by right as X-Man
jutted his thumb out. The car slowed down, and the young man driving made eye
contact with X-Man. X-Man held his own…..for a second. And then took off
running down the driveway.
I comfort myself that the house is a safer haven in the eyes
of my son than a sketchy looking car with a shaggy man driving. It’s the little
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