I’m not dead. I’m actually functioning fairly well. But
there is plenty on my plate. I have 100 students this year. And I went ahead
and fully enrolled my three kids in their school. This, while they are still at
home, means that they all have multiple assignments to turn into other teachers
over the course of the school year. Yay accountability!
X-Man is attending preschool. He is terrified of School
Buses. He gleefully heads into the classroom with his teacher and classmates
and hyperventilates when it’s time to go. Until he sees me and remembers that
no one is shuttling him up on the yellow bus of horror and death. Or whatever
it is he thinks occurs on those buses. Gotta wonder about after school specials
these days.
Happily, I suppose, school has not put a crimp in X-Man’s
sensory experiences. We were sitting on the sidelines on a soccer game when a
little boy wandered up. He looked like he emptied his water bottle on his head.
He asked X-Man is he could play with his toys. See X-Man’s mom had it together
enough to actually bring toys to this one game. Write it down on a calendar, because
it might be the last time.
Anyway, the wet little boy asked to play with X-Man. X-Man
looked at him skeptically, very very skeptically. He said “you need a towel.”
The boy responded “That’s because I am wet.” Boys….their conversations don’t
tend to get too deep. The little boy began to play with X-Man. X-Man continued
on, but still skeptical. A few minutes later, X-Man leaned in slowly and very
carefully and took a gentle bite of the boy’s shirt. Just his shirt. He leaned
back and muttered to himself “Still wet.” The other boy said sternly “Don’t do that
again” and X-Man nodded soberly. And did not do it again.

Once the connection was made, X-Man put his newly acquired
vocabulary skill to good use. Bellowing “Go Baba!!! Kick da ball! Go fast! AW
MAN!!!!!!” There is nothing the boy does without enthusiasm.
Including wearing clean underpants. I finished up with
students this morning and walked out of the office and into a wall of wailing.
Constructed by the most indignant X-Man. The father figure explained that he
put clean underpants on X-Man while getting him dressed for the morning. This
was not actually the first time that X-Man introduced to the concept of fresh
underpants every morning. It was, however, the first time he strenuously objected.
The father figure and I have differing parenting approaches,
which is why we are complementary in our efforts. X-Man grabbed my hand to lead
me upstairs. I assumed that the father figure had misunderstood what X-Man was
trying to say and that I would solve everything. Being the competent mother I
am, having remembered to bring toys to a soccer game once or twice. Clearly I
would resolve this issue.
My hopes diminished when he led me into the bathroom. They
disappeared completely when he actually fished out the dirty underwear handed
them to me and tearily begged me to put them on him.
I’m really grateful that I have five children. Because it
took to child number four to experience gnawing on stranger’s shirts while
wearing yesterday’s underpants. And who would want to miss out on that?
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