School is back in session. This means work, lots of work for
me. It’s either my kids who need help, or student through work. Either way,
free time is a fleeting memory. Which leaves little time to blog.
Cinco, on the other hand, has too much free time. The school
aged kids are back to getting up early, the father figure supervises their
breakfast and morning routine while I work. So of course, Cinco gets up with
them. However, X-Man sleeps, and sleeps, and sleeps. Up to three hours after
everyone else gets up. This leaves three hours in which Cinco has to entertain
herself. She’s not a fan. Watching TV seems like a great idea, until she
realizes no one else is watching it with her. So she wanders into the school
room. I was prepared for having to entertain little ones during school hours,
so I broke out the color wonder markers and paper to keep her entertained. It
took all of five seconds for her to realize that she had coloring pages and
markers while everyone else had notebooks and pencils. And that would not do.
So the crawled up on the table and starting fighting Baby over her pencil. And
notebook. She determined that she was best suited to sit in the middle of the
table so that she could draw on everyone’s work to her heart’s content. This does
not create a pleasant educational environment.
So Cinco finds herself ejected from the office, often. And
so she follows me around the house. Yelling. I think she wants me to carry her
around the house, to search for X-Man. She’s pretty certain that I’m hiding him
from her.
X-Man himself is turning over a bit of a behavior leaf. We still
have epic meltdowns. Mostly concerning my lack of hospitality towards the rocks
he finds. And by rocks, I mostly mean large chunks of concrete, leftovers from
our remodel. I don’t know where he’s finding them; I thought they had been all
removed. Nevertheless, they are his preciouses. He loves them and likes to drop
them on the wood floor. Keeping the rocks outside of the house isn’t an
acceptable solution for him. However, storing his precious chunks of concrete
on top of the fridge, just fine. I don’t understand, I just keep rocks away
from my wood floor.
X-Man’s frustration with life is abating however. He’s
speaking English more and he’s comfortable using the potty. For the most part.
I forgot about one aspect of potty training. Remembering to put the underpants
and pants back on after the fact. The result is a potty trained three year old
who is still without pants, most of the time. He can also open the back door,
so often I find him outside, swinging away, in the buff. It’s quite the show,
which is probably why Cinco is so bored when he’s not awake.
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