Random thoughts from the summer……..
Why is it that a mom can take her five children down to the hotel
provided continental breakfast and no one bats an eye? Other than the stink eye
for someone taking two yogurts. But should the dad take the children to
breakfast, an hour after the mom already took the eldest because she had to get
to a soccer game, well every one falls all over him. Even when X-Man knocks over his juice, it’s
sweet that Mac cleaned it up for me. If that happens to me, well I’m the
clueless mom who’s not paying attention. But hooray for the dad who’s a
dad! And yes sweet fellow soccer mom to
three, the reason why you can’t fathom handling two more is because your
husband, their father, sits in his chair and dictates to you what you should do
and what you are doing wrong. I’d wring
his neck, but that’s just me.
It’s been an interesting summer. It started with two
children in diapers, neither one particularly verbal. At the end of summer,
X-Man has no issues using the potty, although he still objects to underpants.
He’s speaking, in an outside sort of voice, and over all becoming better
behaved. The result is, he’s excited that he’s a big boy and that his attempts
to communicate are understand fairly well. The result is that he’s happy, a
lot. And when he’s happy, there’s no middle ground. I texted the father figure,
asking for his assistance at a soccer game, because X-Man was manic. Manically
happy, which means lots and lots of babbling, and trips to the porta potty. I
better understand my father’s comment about me “I don’t know what’s worse, her in a good mood or her in a bad mood.”
The rest of it’s all blending together is a very great haze.
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