Monday is also the day after Sunday, typically. So it is the day after the father figure stood outside church with a child screaming “NO CHURCH!!!! PLAYTIME!!!!” “NO QUIET!!!! PLAY!!!!” I give the boy props for being honest. He knows what he wants and he most definitely demands it.
He tried that approach with me today. He wanted to watch TV.
I am not interested in using the TV as a babysitter any more than I already do,
so I sad ‘No”. Clearly I misunderstood his demands, so he screamed them. As he
is approaching three years of age, I have begun to stop my previous method of
dealing with his tantrums, walking away. I know put him in his time out spot
and start the timer. In theory, he is supposed to not scream while sitting
there, in theory. At this point, I still have to keep him sitting, and he doesn’t
do well with time frames. The minute he quieted down, his chubby arms shot out
expecting me to pick him up. So it was a struggle for both of us, as we both
really wanted to hug before the two minute timer was up.
Two minutes comes quickly so we did hug it out and I had to
chase down his sister. She had taken to dancing on the table, celebrating the
fact that her mother was distracted. Determined to not have any child of mine
comfortable with dancing on tables, the baby and I found ourselves locked in a
battle of wills as to what furniture and kitchen fixtures were permissible to
be climbed on. `She decided that if she hid under the table, she would leave
with her dignity intact. And also, eat the Cheerios she had thrown under it
during breakfast. Judge me, I was wrestling with a toddler.
With Cinco slightly contained, I went in search of X-Man.
This is how my day goes, find the baby, find the toddler, lose the baby, lose
the toddler. Stop the baby, save the home.
There he was, in my bedroom, on my bed. The bed I was trying
to make when he came demanding TV. He
was most definitely trying to make my bed. The blankets were shoved around and
he was stacking the pillows, one on top of the other as I found him. He turned
to me beaming, “All done mama, watch TV?”
He accepted playing Thomas the Tank Eng
ine instead. And lots
and lots of hugs.
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