I haven’t written for a while now. It’s not for lack of
thoughts to say, but rather being held hostage to Gestating Cinco’s whims.
Which included flying the coop earlier than I intended. But that’s kids for
you. I didn’t even get to write my birth plan out, which included a request for
the incredible hulk vaccine. Yes that’s real thing.
It’s not that she didn’t pick a good time. Well, at least as
far as the father figure’s work schedule was concerned. And in all fairness to
my youngest daughter, there’s no good time according to my schedule. As I
realized when I double booked Mac’s swimming lessons and Baba’s soccer
Gestated Cinco was polite enough to wait until after my two
showers. Yes, I had two showers. Very different events, which were fun and
useful. Especially as I received a car seat at the second one. So at least
Gestated Cinco waited until it was legal to bring her home.
It all started with a trip to labor and delivery. Well
actually it started with a detour through the back country roads to avoid miles
long congestion on the freeway. This was a rather fitting metaphor for the rest
of the day. I went in with the intention of being told to go home it’s called
getting ready for a baby. So when time kept ticking by, I began to get anxious.
Not because it meant baby was coming, but rather, because I had a two thirty
dentist appointment for Baby. Well that didn’t happen. At least I am assuming
that the father figure called and cancelled.
I was so not ready for Gestated Cinco, I went so far as to
forget to bring the book I was eighty pages away from finishing. I could have
polished off that sucker during the preliminary testing. But no. I had a
sneaking suspicion that something might be up that morning. I downloaded a
contraction timer for my phone, and gave the father figure a heads up as he
left for work. I didn’t ever use my new contraction app as I decided in the
early morning hours to sleep instead, figuring I would have other
opportunities. Then there were multitudinous opportunities for distraction,
including getting out the door only an hour later than I intended. This was a mixed blessing, as I was unaware
of the rate of contractions, but apparently plowed into labor blissfully
I alerted Grandma, who was wrangling the herd, through text
message. This made it easier to pass off childcare arrangements to the father
figure, who was granted the courtesy of a phone call. It’s hard, when you’ve
just been admitted to labor and delivery, to properly convey the need to come
soon, because things are moving along, but not to panic and come with the
impression that Gestating Cinco was actually Delivering Cinco. Whatever I said
worked, because he arrived just as I was getting concerned, waltzing in wearing
his UPS uniform, which of course prompted plenty of delivery jokes.

Not that everything went perfectly smoothly. Apparently my
blood pressure dropped, or plummeted as it were. I don’t really remember, I just
felt not awesome and then someone was giving me epinephrine. And by someone, I
mean one of the nine people in the room. Father figure has related his
perception of events, but all I heard is that a nurse was rubbing his shoulders.
He says to reassure him, but what else could he really say?
Gestating Cinco became very demure and took her time
arriving. This gave me time to see that there was a massive explosion in Texas
near Waco, which prompted texting to a brother who is physically incapable of
replying to texts. So after a whole five minutes of silence I dropped the “I’m
in labor so you’d better respond now.” Thus began the geography lesson as to
the relative proximity of West, Texas to Waco, Texas. Twenty miles, in case you
were wondering.
So she came. And shared her impressions of the world.
Loudly. It didn’t help that my first reaction to my little girl was “you are
fat!” Which is true, she has cheeks like no newborn’s business. She said her
piece and promptly scored a ten on her Apgar test. Which is a first in this
We’re slowly adjusting. She’s required feeding three times
during the writing of this blog. But she’s Italian, so that’s to be expected. I
mentioned to father figure that I spent nine months dreading having a fifth
child. This wasn’t in my game plan and I really wasn’t on board with the whole
shaking it up aspect. But I knew rationally that a few days into it and I would
be baffled that I ever thought our family complete before she arrived. I was
off in my timing. She felt absolutely right immediately. As I reminisced with
the father figure, he slyly said “we’ll see how you feel after the tenth one.”
The boy will do anything to get himself a fifteen seater van. I’ve told him it
will cost him one wife, but that doesn’t seem to be a deterrent.
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