It’s still Cinco’s birthday.
She is still looking for her purple “Let It Go” cake. Her birthday
month cumulated in a trip to Target. Sort of.
It started with the fact that both Mac and X-Man take swimming
lessons. Mac is a good swimmer who has slowly developed past “thrashing with
style” to competing in his first swim meet. X-Man is still in the thrashing
mode. Style is yet to develop, although the child is fearless in the water. His
swim instructor tends to put not one, not two but three separate flotation
devices on him. She’s a prudent gal…….
Cinco is nothing if not competitive. She “beat” the father
figure in air hockey the other day. Ten to one. I know because she kept a
running score announcement to share with the entire crowd. Part of
Cinco’s competitive
score keeping is seen is her insistence that anything X-Man does…..she gets to
do. So, it didn’t surprise me much when she appeared in front of me in her
swimming suit. Although I admit to being impressed that she was able to get it
on over her clothing. She walked over to me and announced “I go swimming
lessons.” Being the mom I am, I smiled and said “ah good for you.” I figured
this was all occurring in the same world that had her Dalmatian puppy doubling
as her baby. It wasn’t until she climbed into the closet to retrieve her shoes
and coat that I realized she actually intended to go to swimming lessons. This
posed a problem.

First of all, it was seven pm. And I was heading out the
door to take Baba to soccer. Second of all, Cinco wasn’t actually enrolled in
swimming lessons. Third of all, Cinco doesn’t handle disappointment well. Well
actually, she’s an expert at it. From the rolling out of the bottom lip, to the
huge tears that slip down her cheeks and the shudders that come from struggling
to contain sobs, she gets both the father figure and me, fairly easily.
Eventually she accepted a shopping trip to Target in lieu of
swimming lessons. Of course, there was a brownie involved as well. While Cinco
still would wistfully talk about swimming lessons, she didn’t let it dampen her
enthusiasm much. She babbled along, talking about everything and anything. That
included her belting out “Happy Birthday”, complete with blowing out nonexistent
candles. And older gentleman commented to me “Wow, she really doesn’t stop does
No, no she does not.
We continued on to another store, whose halls were very much
decked for the upcoming Christmas season. This very much excited Cinco. “Christmas.
Christmas everywhere!!!!” As we browsed the aisles, Cinco announced loudly “LOOK!
IT’S MY HORSE!!!!!” Indeed, it was a beautiful wooden rocking horse. Cinco
continued “Go, go mama! Go to my horse!” I tried to break it to her “I’m pretty
sure that’s not your horse. That’s the store’s horse.”
And with that, Cinco turned cocked her head to one side and
looked at me with patience and understanding “I think Daddy wants to get me the
That’s a new one folks.
And now I have to decide whether to tell the father figure
this story……and end up with an absurdly expensive horse. Which is rather redundant
I suppose.